Life's journey is not traveled on a freeway devoid of obstacles, pitfalls, and snares. Rather, it is a pathway marked by forks and turnings. Decisions are constantly before us. To make them wisely, courage is needed: the courage to say, 'No,' the courage to say, 'Yes.' Decisions do determine destiny. The call for courage comes constantly to each of us. It has ever been so, and so shall it ever be. --Thomas S. Monson
Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Grandpa Rose, my dad's dad.
I or my mother never met Grandpa rose but here is some info about the claim in Port Angeles from the last post. - Becky
My father Charles F.Rose, came out to Washington when he was a young man before he married, when they we’re harvesting lumber in the area He and his brother, William both went West. They were in Silver City, Colo. A man made a remark while eating in a tent restaurant, about Billie the kid, another man said, I'd have him hung up fast. The man said I won't have you talking about Billie the Kid that way and slapped 2 pistols down on the table, the other man started eating fast and left. I remember being told this story. Charles and his brother William , came out by the railroad most likely from Minneapolis. and spent the winter and summer in Port Angeles, Washington, which is up on the Olympic Peninsula. At that time, it was the first Port you could get into, that came in the straits, My father liked it so much he proved up on the claim and paid taxes on it all his life. The two Rose brothers had completed their training in the Plumbing trade and left to head West to try their luck at plumbing. Rolland didn’t know how long they were there, but long enough to build the cabin using small trees on the property and proved up on the land. Rolland said he can remember his mother saying, She paid taxes on that property all her life.
We visited there when we were already in the church, about 14 years old, just us twins and our parents. I got some of the gum and tried to chew it, that my father tried to make from the pine tar, but it didn’t taste very good.
The next time we came out, my Dad had died and had already given the property to the Church. I think this was in 1954, when I, Rolland moved out here to begin work for Boeing and my Mother came with me. We had asked about the area, and found out they did have a Branch and so went over to Port Angeles and saw what was happening. We looked at the property and the neighbors were no longer alive, and it had burned down. We wanted to see what the church had done with the property, The lot was too small for a church, but they took the money from the sale of the lot and invested it in a Masonic hall, that they were able to buy , it was right on the bluff, we saw the place and approved it. We did attend a meeting there, and it had a very nice assembly hall. We stayed overnight at a members home, He had an auto agency, and a very nice home.
Later the brothers decided to leave that area, Gold hadn’t been discovered in Alaska as yet, and was only a logging town, They split up, and William headed to California and Charles headed to Salt Lake City, Utah. When in SL he visited with some anti-Mormons, and he heard the story, there was a tunnel between the Temple and the Tabernacle, and was told wild tales about Mormons marrying in the Temple. I feel that he probably stayed in SLC for a winter and then headed back to Mpls.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Family is forforever and the viel is thin: Dad
A few months after his death, I had a blessing, by Scott Bowen who had been my bishop, who I babysat for, for years and who was then in the Stake Presidency. In the blessing he said that "my father is busy, but is aware of me and knows what's going on." of course after the blessing I cried in Scott's arms and said "I miss my dad!"
The next year was filled with unpredictable grieving. But now I often wonder what he would think of Jason, what he'd tell me concerning marriage, etc. I so wanted him to be there at my wedding. I was his last child to be married and he wanted to know I was taken care of. It was on his mind a lot, especially when he was sick and afraid he was going to go.
Today, Jason and I were reading Kevin Hinckley's power point gospel doctrine presentation found on about Samuel being called by the Lord and him thinking it was Eli. As a teenager I had experience where I heard my name called. I thought it was my nephews down in the basement who were visiting. It was not them. It was not my parents. I kept hearing my name being called. It got to the point where I realized it was an evil voice and came from different directions. I started to cry and say "their calling my name", "their calling my name". My dad said "what name are they calling you by? The name was Becky, not Rebecca, my legal given name that I am known by on the records of the church. That night I slept next to my mom and my dad slept in my bed I was so scared. When I read the account of Samuel and Eli and the voice I remembered this story and knew my dad knew that if it was from the Lord he would call me "Rebecca", not Becky. Eli knew that as well.
A few months ago, Jason and I drove to Port Townsend/Port Angeles and the surrounding area. We stopped off at this ranger station to get maps, directions, ideas of what to do etc. There was this OLD farm, machinery equipment- just the metal rusting frame out side the place and boom - I was in tears thinking about my dad! Strange!!!! After our little day trip we went to mom's and told her where we were and she said that Grandpa Rose and his brother were home steading near there. The land was later donated to the church who then sold it as it was to small.

After that last experience I began to think that perhaps at those times especially when the priesthood is used is when the veil gets thin and Dad can see what is going on. We know from prophets that the Spirit World is all around us. I've had other feelings about my father protecting other family members from danger.
It will be a long life with out him, but I know that he is near and family is forever!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Deception Pass, Washington

Size | Bridge span is 976 feet long, height from water to roadway is approximately 180 feet (depending on the tide) |
Opened | 1930s (1930s) by the Civilian Conservation Corps |
Operated by | Washington State Parks |
Annual visitors | 2,000,000+ annually |
Status | Open year-round |
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Gene Coulon Park, Renton WA
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Our First Camping Trip
The above picture was taken from the LDS church in Cle Elum.