Jason and I spent one week in Decatur Illinois where his family lives. Here are some pictures:
Jason and I on the back porch of his mom's home with a view of lake Decatur.

Tinker is almost 100 % blind. I call her "little blind dog". she is so sweet.

Ron and Irene, Jason's mom and her husband. They are the nicest people and Irene is a great cook!

Jason and his kids Meghann and Ben on the first day. Jason LOVES his kids. He hugged Ben so tight his teeth hurt! He kissed Meghann over and over again.

Jason and his mom. He calls his mom every day to see how she's doing.

Uncle Carl, his dad's brother and his wife Carolyn.
We got lots of genealogy from them.
Sister Marilyn and her husband Larry. They drove us to St. Louis to get back on the plane. Marilyn is great! This 5 second video doesn't do her justice! She is very pretty.

The Jack Russel Terrier Peanut that loves Jason and that I named "peanut butter dog".

The red camero we rented for 2 days. Jason said I was hot and that I can rev up his motor any time. It was a fun car to drive for 2 days. It drove soooooooo smooth.

This is St. Louis Missouri. Over all we had a great time, visiting family and friends of Jasons. I was so glad we went even though we spent way too much money!
We saw 2 of his friends from growing up. One friend from his adult years(sorry, no pictures). We went to Sacrament mtg at the old building Jason went to church at. He ran into his boy scout buddy that is still in the area. Meghan went to church with us. Jason drove Tim's Harley Davidson bike with me on the back and also Ron's goldwing 3 wheeler. In Illinois you only have to wear glasses, helmets are not required. It makes it fun as I can talk to Jason as we rode. The 3 wheeler was like a recliner on wheels, it was so comfy. I met 2 of his 3 sister and some nieces and nephews of his too. I took pictures of the schools he went to and the house he lived in and the first building he worked on as a mason with his dad at age 10 or 12. We came home with lots of pictures of him and his kids growing up. I need to get them in books.

Jason and his sister Teresa, who is 6 years older than him.
Jason at his fathers and nephews graves. His nephew passed away at age 10.