Life's journey is not traveled on a freeway devoid of obstacles, pitfalls, and snares. Rather, it is a pathway marked by forks and turnings. Decisions are constantly before us. To make them wisely, courage is needed: the courage to say, 'No,' the courage to say, 'Yes.' Decisions do determine destiny. The call for courage comes constantly to each of us. It has ever been so, and so shall it ever be. --Thomas S. Monson
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I'm thankful for family that comes and helped my mom, even if they helped her to get ready to leave me!
I'm thankful for time to myself to think, to read, to ponder and feel.
I'm thankful for when I'm thankful (because it means I'm feeling the spirit), I usually don't feel it so much on the actually holiday- that's forced gratitude!
I'm thankful for forgiveness, for apologizes and making things better.
Humm....... a thought- maybe my next post will be an I wish post.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Green Undies
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Scripture Study
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Being raised in the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we are given many way to learn sacrifice. Here are just a few:
1. Three hours of church every Sunday!
2. Paying tithing-one tenth of our income.
3. Fast Offerings to help the poor and needy by going with out food for 24 hours (starting at age 8) once a month and giving the money we would of spent to the church to help.
4. Serving a 18 month for girls and 2 year missions for boys, all paid for by the families who send them where they don't read the newspaper, watch TV, date or even hug any member of the opposite sex. One give up the world and their time.
5. Excepting callings which take up time.
6. Seminary for teenagers. After 4 years in Primary of learning the scriptures and another 4 in Sunday School, we ask growing high schoolers to get up before school and once again learn the scriptures before they go into the world. The opportunity to take religion classes is also offered in college at institutes around the country, although this time at any time of the day. Have you ever asked your self why?
7. The Word of Wisdom. We are to have no vices,to give up things that most take as necessary for living.
If one does not learn to put spirit over body, the Lord's will over your own desires, in those short 18 years, something is wrong!
Of course in ancient times sacrifices were of animals that represented the sacrfice of the Lamb of God, the Savior. We do not now offer live animals but we still can learn much from their practices. From the Bible Dictionary:

Whenever there were true believers on the earth, with priesthood authority, sacrifices were offered in that manner and for that purpose. This continued until the death of Jesus Christ, which ended the shedding of blood as a gospel ordinance.
It is now replaced in the Church by the sacrament of the bread and the water, in remembrance of the offering of Jesus Christ. Sacrifices were thus instructive as well as worshipful. They were accompanied by prayer, devotion, and dedication, and represented an acknowledgment on the part of the individual of his duty toward God, and also a thankfulness to the Lord for his life and blessings upon the earth
Under the law offerings made to God must be the offerer’s own property, properly acquired (Deut. 23:18). Altar sacrifices were of three kinds: sin offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings.
sin and trespass offerings was atonement, expiation. Trespass or guilt offerings were a particular kind of sin offerings. Sins were regarded as breaches of the covenant between Jehovah and his people, requiring compensation. (please read more on this)
The burnt offering got its Hebrew name from the idea of the smoke of the sacrifice ascending to heaven. The characteristic rite was the burning of the whole animal on the altar (Lev. 1:9; Deut. 33:10).
Peace offerings, as the name indicates, presupposed that the sacrificer was at peace with God; they were offered for the further realization and enjoyment of that peace. The characteristic rite was the sacrificial meal. A feast symbolized fellowship and friendship among all its partakers and providers, and also a state of joy and gladness (Luke 14:15; Ps. 23:5; Matt. 22:1 ff.).
It is noteworthy that when the three offerings were offered together, the sin always preceded the burnt, and the burnt the peace offerings. Thus the order of the symbolizing sacrifices was the order of atonement, sanctification, and fellowship with the Lord.
Of course now animal sacrifice is replaced with the ordinance of the Sacrament and a "broken heart and a contrite spirit." The meaning of contrite is :
Filled with a senseAs Jason explained it today in class, it's taking that wild horse in all of us and making it tame, What is important to note is that sacrifice may seem hard or even impossible at first but as one does it, it becomes a blessing.filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement; penitent: a contrite sinner. rueful, remorseful, repentant.
"A Saint loves the Savior and follows Him in holiness and devotion. Evidence of this kind of holiness and devotion is exemplified by consecration and sacrifice. Sacrifice is the crowning test of the gospel. It means consecrating time, talents, energy, and earthly possessions to further the work of God. In Doctrine and Covenants 97, verse 8, it concludes, 'All . . . who . . . are willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice—yea, every sacrifice which I, the Lord, shall command—they are accepted of me.' "

Quentin L. Cook, "Are You a Latter-day Saint?" New Era, Dec. 2009, 5
"The Savior's perfect submission to the Eternal Father is the very essence of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Christ's example teaches us that a broken heart is an eternal attribute of godliness. When our hearts are broken, we are completely open to the Spirit of God and recognize our dependence on Him for all that we have and all that we are. The sacrifice so entailed is a sacrifice of pride in all its forms. Like malleable clay in the hands of a skilled potter, the brokenhearted can be molded and shaped in the hands of the Master.
"A broken heart and a contrite spirit are also preconditions to repentance."
Bruce D. Porter, "A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit," Ensign, Nov. 2007, 32
"We can have eternal life if we want it, but only if there is nothing else we want more."
Bruce C. Hafen, "The Atonement: All for All," Ensign, May 2004, 98
Today people are not taught to work for anything, but that they are entitled. There is no sacrifice, but a feeling of having a right, a guarantee to blessings, rewards, that are not earned. I'm glad that I was taught to sacrifice- specifically for the Lord. I want my sins taken from me, burnt, and peace to come into my life.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Conversations with Lisa
I know someone who really talks with herself as if there are two of her. Her name is Lisa and she has Down Syndrome and is 22. I "work" at her house 2 to 3 days a week in the mornings for 6 hours until I take her to work at Trader Joes where she 'faces' the products.
The routine goes something like this:
-Breakfast for both of us. I read the newspaper.
-Lisa goes up stairs to her room and plays the same music every day and sings to it. She only plays the beach boys, the Beatles or Disney. She dances while she sings and sounds terrible. I go down stairs and sleep.
-Then around 10 or 10:30 Lisa and I watch a movie, do errands, or on Thursday go bowling.
Lisa bowls with her friend who has DS with the sides up, so the ball will not go in the gutter. Even though Lisa specifically has no skills he gets a strike and spares at least once during the 2 or 3 games they play. The 2 girls don't really talk to each other, in fact I have to remind Lisa to say goodbye to her friend.
-Lisa is a schedule and rule keeper. She has to be home by 11:30, so she can get her purse together. her purse has a total of 3 things in it- keys, a cell phone and her wallet. Lisa will say something to me about my seat belt or the like. She is always looking at her watch and it's quite annoying.
- Lisa makes her own lunch unless it involves the stove. She eats, goes up stairs and gets ready with her t-shirt on and waits to leave while I drive her to school.
Pretty easy job huh. Yes, Getting paid to sleep, read, do my errands, etc. But it's often boring too. If Lisa is not talking to someone else or singing she is having conversations with herself. It's not just once in a while. IT'S CONSTANT! She cannot be quiet. Noise, talking all the time. Here is an example:
Lisa: We have to go to Becky's.
Lisa: ya, but we'll be back on time.
Lisa: She just has to get her cell phone.
Lisa: OK,
or here's another one.
Lisa: I'm hungry
Lisa: ya me too, I'm hungry.
Lisa: tuna for lunch.
Lisa: O, good, I love tuna.
Or this one:
Lisa: My stomach hurt.
Lisa: ya, but you'll be OK.
Lisa: ya, it will get better, you can still go to work.
Lisa: ya, I'll be fine.
Lisa: OK.
The other thing about Lisa is her lack of own ideas. If we are at the library and I take out a book, she takes out a book, if I bend down to see better, she bends down to see better. Her friend will know how to dance or get excited at bowling for knocking all the pins down, but Lisa does not. She just walks back.
I don't have any pictures of Lisa, but she has bobbed brown hair to her shoulders and is thin and like typical DS is short. Her parents are pretty rigid, (her food intake in monitored) with most everything, so Lisa is like that too. unlike the happy smiley people you think of when you think of that extra chromosome person, Lisa is robotic instead. Lisa's friend takes the bus to get to the bowling alley and walks a short distance to it. Lisa could be capable of taking the bus or Access and ridding herself of the need for me, but nothing has been done about that. Of course it's hard to leave a DS person alone with herself for that long.
I have a different focus each time I read. But my favorite by far is to have a color for the qualities and attributes of the God head. Start with the 12 in lectures on faith. at first reading it's just words- mercy, justice, etc. But now it's whole verses- how he works among the children of men. Did you know sometimes the word "nevertheless" is a mercy word?
Then I had a color for the 3 pillars of eternity- creation, fall, atonement. and finally I have a color for the 4th article of faith plus enduring to the end. What's so great is you can really start to believe in the Savior, believe that he will work in your life, keep his promises to you, etc. It's faith promoting!
I also put a PF near a verse when prophecy has been fulfilled and a big M over the verse where there is a miracle. You can do the same for parable too.
I've been recently been marking in a color in the New Testament when a scripture from the Old has been used. There is actually a list in the topical guide or Bible dictionary- can't remember which one at the moment.
One year I focused on the temple and the priesthood in the D&C and had colors for them.
After conference it's nice to have references to the brothers talks where they have used a scripture, especially if there is a story that goes with it.
This year I'm doing a how did Jesus respond theme.
Also- get a new set every few years and mark in the front what year, and what is happening in your family. There is really so much you can do, like using your patriarchal blessing too. It's limitless. All you have to do is find your passion!