Our Heritage: A Brief History of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
From Chapter 7 page 86:
"For those who joined the Church outside the United States,
this was a time for gathering to Zion, which meant traveling by
boat to America. Elizabeth and Charles Wood sailed in 1860 from
South Africa, where they had labored several years to acquire
money for their travel. Elizabeth kept house for a wealthy man,
and her husband made bricks until they obtained the needed
funds. Elizabeth was carried aboard the ship on a bed 24 hours
after delivering a son and was given the captain’s berth so she
could be more comfortable. She was very ill during the journey,
almost dying twice, but lived to settle in Fillmore, Utah".
This is the story of my great great grandparents! Only they have a name wrong. It's not Elizabeth Wood, but Ann Day Wood. Elizabeth is her sister. Charles and Ann Wood met in London, married June 11, 1848, sailed to South Africa a year later and were among the first converts in 1853 from that part of the world. The second time she was thought to be dead on the ship to America, she was prepared for burial at sea. Her brother Richard stepped up and and said he did not think she was dead. He related a dream which he had before leaving Cape Town, South Africa in which he was the only one who did not get to Utah. The people stepped back while the elders administered to her, after which she began to breath and finally recover. They spent 73 days at sea on the ship "Alacrity" and because they came from Africa, a large crowd gathered at the pier in Boston curious to see colored people. They were disapointed. They arrived at Winter Quarters in the middle of July in 1860 and six months after making the trip from Africa they made it to Salt Lake City. True to the dream of Richard Day, all except him arrived in Utah. My great Grandma was born in zion in 1871, who is the mother of my grandfather, my mom's dad.
I'm proud of my pioneer heritage.