It's always fun to the with kids on Halloween. I like the way Sarah handles the candy. It all goes into one big bowl and we all share with 100 % control by the adults. None of that "that's mine" and someone eating theirs all up first and then being mad that someone else has a lot left.
Perkins Family Pumpkins

Jason and I drove down to Vancouver WA for the Halloween Weekend so he could meet some family. My sister Sarah and her family live there and my brother Karl lives in Hillsboro OR. I wanted to see the kids in their costumes and Jason wanted to go to Mulitnomah Falls together. Here are some pic's of the weekend.
I was putting on Graces diaper for bed the first night and Grace proceeded to tell me that Me, Mommy and Daddy were all nice and wiped her bottom, but Jason was mean. She had not interacted with him yet at all.
In church on Sunday Grace sat right in his lap and started playing with him. She was pulling his tie and such and it was getting a little crazy so he tried to get her to stop by play bitting her like a bear. She said "Don't eat Becky, Don't eat Becky!"
After church we had the 3 youngest climbed up all around and on us. It was pretty fun.
Jason is great with kids.