Tuesday, January 1, 2013


In years past I've posted about my "Anti" stance on resolutions.  I've also told about this ladies idea of choosing a word for the year.  Here's where you can read about that. 

I've decided to do it! 
My word is  

I'll need to put the word on my lamp by my computer, in my car so I see it, and in my room so I can remember.  

In accordance with Exhistentailism and Cognitive Behavior Therapy this is what I will be turning to and from: 

To God
To prayer 
To family 
To water, from junk food and treats
To exercise, instead of food
To positive thoughts, instead of negative
To the Scriptures- every day! 

I also like this idea and will be doing it.  Writing down all the good things that happen as the year goes by, placing it here and then reading it on New Years Eve! 

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