Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I AM FROM ( a poem and pictures)

After reading this blog post, I had to write one too!

Where I’m From

I am from a quilt making, sewing mom and a bee
Keeping, welding dad, and mismatched furniture.
I am from a big blue van traveling to Utah
to see extended family every year.
I am from hard working, gardening,
house painting, tree felling, home fixing doers, not payers.

Becky and Sarah 1980, I was almost 8.

I am from Minnesota snows, frozen Lake Excellesior
and wearing long johns under my dress, with boots.
driving a half hour or more to church.  
I am from hot summers and geese poop lawns,
mosquitoes bites and bats inside. 
I am a dog lover, the first three, all black named
Tinta, (German for black ink) Wang Ho(Chinese for Yellow River) 
and Beaker (from my silliness.) 
I am from older siblings, temple marriages
and lots of babies, becoming an aunt at age 7.

I am from a Ricks College first family,
then BYU, (expect for me who went to USU)
I am from German songs and family history
stories, Book of Mormon reading, and full tithe payers. 
I am from Seattle Temple ordinance and office workers,
family putting church first above all else.  
Never missing days of early morning seminary,
mutual activities, and girls camp. 

All of us in 1977. I was 5.

I am from Great Depression and WWII Army
frugal parenting, not wasting food or rusted nails
or thousands of old keys and making cookies instead of buying. 
I am from the clean plate club, eating everything that was served, 
including oatmeal every Thursday morning, blueberry pies and jello.
I am from service giving mom and scripture reading dad,
Public schools, average grades, but lots of personal reading.
I am from thumb sucking, depression, insecurities,
babysitting my life away, fearing men and boys. 
I am not silly Sarah, but funny Becky. 

From the picture above:
Mark #4, Ruth #2, Cindy #5, Karl #3
Mom, Sarah #7, Dad, me #6, Beth #1


  1. Awesome! I like how you brought out the good AND the bad. (We are all made up of both, right?)

    That was great! :)

  2. Love the photos you've added to your poem!
