I have a LARGE collection of books, and over the last year I've given many away or sold them for nothing. But with my mom moving to Boise Idaho I am now officially inheriting my fathers books. I was going to get the whole set of "journal of discourses". But I said it was OK for them to go to my brother Mark. I just don't have the room. I do however have all of Hugh Nibley's and many other books. They are thick books that I realized I may not ever get to. They may just sit there and people will ask have you read these? There are about 25 books. 10 of them being Nibley's. I'm nearing 40 and if I don't get a start on them, it may not happen.
This is my plan: read one book a year by taking the number of pages in the book, dividing it by 12 and then have the goal to read that many pages per month. For instance with Rough Stone Rolling, as to where I am now, I will read 36 pages a month till the end of 2011. If I read more, great. If I read less, I'll have to add that to the next month.
Here are the books on my list except Nibley's:
The Mortal Messiah (vol 1, 2, 3) by McConkie
The Third Thousand Years
The Fourth Thousand Years
All by Skousen
The Last Days by Gileadi
The Book of Isaiah by Gileadi
Days of the Living Christ (vol 1,2) Skousen
The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith by Lundwall
Spiritual Survival in the Last Days by Yorgason's
The Sign of the Son of Man by Wise
The First Thousand Years
The Second Thousand YearsThe Third Thousand Years
The Fourth Thousand Years
All by Skousen
The Last Days by Gileadi
The Book of Isaiah by Gileadi
Days of the Living Christ (vol 1,2) Skousen
The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith by Lundwall
Spiritual Survival in the Last Days by Yorgason's
The Sign of the Son of Man by Wise
In thinking about it today, I realize that some of the newer ones may sight the older ones and there may be some repetition, but I will deal with that as it comes along. I wonder what I'll read in 2012.
I loved Rough Stone Rolling, I need to pull it out and read it again! I'm just reading to many fiction books right now.