Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Andy Andrews

Who would do that to a kid- give him a name like that? I really don't care, because I love the mans books! I just finished my 3rd book by him and am starting my 4th. Others are waiting on hold for me at the library.
  • The Noticer- a variety of stories of people that need their lives turned around.
  • Island of Saints- German U-boats in the Gulf of Mexico during WWII and forgiveness.
  • The Travelers Gift
  • The Lost Choice
His genre is inspirational fiction or historical fiction.

My mom took notes on the book The Noticer. We (mom, Ruth and me) listened to that on CD. I took notes on forgiveness from Island of Saints. I'll be posting about forgiveness from 2 of his books and of course the well of all truth, the scriptures and prophets. But here is what is the basic's of the travelers gift is about. It was on the NY Times best seller list. It the story of one man and his travels to important people in history and what they have to teach him that will help him through life to be successful.

1. President Truman during WWII: "The buck stops here."
2. King Soloman, the 2 woman with the one baby: "I will seek wisdom."
3. Col. Chamberlain, Civil War, Gettysburg: "I am a person of action."
4. Christoper Columbus on the Santa Maria: "I have a decided heart."
5. Anne Frank hiding in Amsterdam 1943: "Today I will choose to be happy."
6. Abraham Lincoln dedicating Gettysburg: "I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit."
7. The Angle Gabriel complete with wings: "I will persist with out exception."

Check 'em out! It's good stuff!

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