Monday, July 27, 2009

Maybe Not

A few maybe not's have happened recently. They are:

1. I may not be teaching the juniors and seniors in seminary.
2. Being a zoo keeper is not looking good. The competition is fierce and I don't have any degrees in biology.
3. While I had a fun time at the mid-singles conference, doesn't look like any dates will come of it. I can look around at the men I know and say "nope, not him. Won't be marring him." to at least 10 of them.

But I'm not panicked. I will just keep on keeping on and see what comes about. I did however make some good girl friends, and got a lot of compliments on my hair, how cute I am and 2 compliments from men on what a good person I am and that they feel the spirit around me. Makes me want to be better!

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