Seattle is to the right of this map. The dotted lines are the ferry routes. Find Bremerton- through a straight and then go North. You'll find Bainbridge.
Jason and I went on a day trip to the Islands. Jason had never been on a ferry. We decided to go and find our honey moon cabin that we will stay in for 2 nights after the wedding and reception Friday night. I think that was a good idea. We don't want to get lost on the way there. We'll be anxious to get there. :) I'm the one that booked the place and I usually travel on the Bremerton Ferry headed to Bremerton as it's a short ride and my friend Rebecca lives there. It's also where the Navel Base is. We drove on the Bremerton Ferry and drove off about an hour latter, drove up the mail street, got a map at the gas station and then tried to find this cabin on he water. We called the lady who owns the place and she told us directions. None of them matched! I couldn't find anything that looked the same. It was then that I realized we were on the WRONG ISLAND! We were suppose to go to Bainbride Island, not Bremerton. Luckily Rebecca was at home and she gave us driving directions to get there. The great thing was Jason did not get upset at all. Not an i-o-ta! We found the little place by driving where we will spend the first 2 days of our married life. It's cute. Can't wait!
I'd never been to the expensive high class town of Eagledale with cute shops on Bainbridge. Bremerton is not like that at all. Jason wants to live there and he thinks he's ok with the commute. I'm not ok with the commute or the housing prices there!